Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thanks Postie!

When I was young I had a pen-pal, who was just my primary school best friend separated at high school. We use to write to each other on cute stationery even though we lived in the same suburb. And for every letter we use to write "thanks postie!" on the front of the envelope. Hopefully a postie received our appreciation for keeping us in contact. PS: I'm still great friends with my primary school bestie =)

I haven't utilised Australia Post as much as my pen-palling days until now! This is how all our goods are packaged before trusting it entirely to the postie.


♥ Lil V

Before There After

These are some before and after shots of our last collection! Sometimes we go to great lengths to make dresses shorter (harhar), fitted and more contemporarily stylish. Most of the time we enthusiastically launch into cutting dresses up into pieces (because we have a fantastical idea for the dress!) before we have a chance to even reach for a camera and document day zero. But some rare times, our brain works before our enthusiasm! Hope you see the hard work we put in to altering the dresses to the ones you see in the collection. Enjoy!